178/2002 on the principles of food and feed law
183/2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene
767/2009 on the placing on the market and use of feed
1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition
1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feeds
2017/625 on official controls and other official activities
2020/354 establishing a list of intended uses of feed intended for particular nutritional purposes
The Animal Feed (Hygiene, Sampling etc. and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2015
The Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (England) Regulations 2015
Feed Law Code of Practice (England)
Feed Law Code of Practice (Wales)
Feed Law Practice Guidance (England)
Feed Law Practice Guidance (Wales)
Approval and registration activities
Community guide to good practice for feed additive and premixture operators.
Guide to good practice for the manufacture of safe pet foods.
European Guide to good practice for the industrial manufacture of safe feed materials.