Latest News
6th December 2009
Audit of HACCP systems online
This two module course provides the user with up to 3.5 hours CPD and is available to subscribers to our online training service.
An annual subscription of £75+vat provides access to this and all other courses on the site which currently include:
Food Law Code of Practice - an e-version of the Food Law Code of Practice which provides up to 12 hours CPD.
Food Hygiene Enforcement - a three module course which provides up to 6 hours CPD and includes a review of detention/seizure, Hygiene Improvement Notices and Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notices.
Approved establishments course - a three module course which provides up to 6 hours CPD and includes:Requirements for approval; the approval process and enforcement in approved establishments.
To subscribe to our online service:
Local authorities click here
Independent users click here. (You will be able to pay for the subscription by credit/debit card for instant access.)
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