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28th February 2012

FSA UKFSS Training

The Food Standards Agency is hosting a series of one-day courses for Local Authority Enforcement Officers on UKFSS. These will take place at Food Standards Agency, Aviation House, London.

The course will give delegates an opportunity to discuss food sampling issues on a local and/or national level.

The training will be provided by Dr Andy Bowles of ABC Food Safety. The aims of the course are:

• to guide officers through each stage of the process to get FSSNet operational in their Local Authority easily and quickly.
• to enable officers to get on with their day to day tasks of food sampling and to be able to enter data quickly into the FSSNet for seamless integration with their  Laboratory.

COURSE DATES (all courses shall take place at Aviation House):

Please click here for current dates

Any authority wishing to send a delegate should use our online booking facility

Please note that the course is available to officers who are directly employed by a local authority and so students or consultants are not eligible for this training.


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