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19th May 2017
Micro Refresher for Enforcement Officers
This 2 day course is intended to help local authority officers to assess the adequacy of controls in food businesses.
The programme includes a review of the common types of microorganism associated with food, important factors that affect the growth of microorganisms,the use of HACCP techniques to control pathogens, a review of the Microbiological Criteria of Foods Regulations, Micro sampling and interpretation of results.
Course Aims
The course aims to meet the requirements of the following Food Law Code of Practice competencies:
4.3 Understands how and why risks posed by different food types,processing methods, and finished products need to be subject to ways of assessing risks posed to consumers.
6.1 Understands sampling methodologies and the role of the Public Analyst and Food Examiner.
6.2 Is aware of national and local sampling priorities. Can use UKFSS and searchable database, where appropriate.
6.3 Can interpret sampling results and make a judgement on appropriate action based on risk.
- A review of common spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms in food.
- Factors affecting growth and survival of microorganisms
- Inhibition and destruction of microorganisms and toxins
- Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of foodstuffs and how they relate to microorganisms
13:00 Lunch
- Pre-requisite programmes– shelf life, storage, contamination, formulation, packaging
- HACCP design
- Hazard analysis – identification of significant microbiological hazards and controls.
- Critical limits at CCPs to control microorganisms
- Monitoring strategies
- Verification including validation
- Roles and responsibilities
- Legislative framework
- Food Law Code of Practice requirements
- Sampling plans
10:00 Microbiological Criteria of foodstuffs
- Overview of regulations
- Food safety criteria
- Process hygiene criteria
- Application of regulations
11:00 Break
- Purpose of sampling
- Sampling techniques
- Use of UKFSS
- Interpretation of results
- Response to adverse results
13:00 Lunch
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