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10th June 2023

Modernisation of food hygiene delivery model

 The Food Standards Agency held an online event with local authorities on 25 May 2023. This was recorded and we have converted it into an "on-demand" webinar.

At the event they outlined their proposed developments for the food hygiene delivery model, which include:

  • a modernised food hygiene intervention rating scheme, including a decision matrix to determine the appropriate frequency of these controls based on the risk posed by a food business
  • an updated risk-based approach to the timescales for initial official controls of new food establishments, and for undertaking due official controls
  • increased flexibility as to the methods and techniques of official controls that can be used to risk rate an establishment, including the appropriate use of remote assessment
  • extending the activities that officers, such as Regulatory Support Officers, who do not hold a ‘suitable qualification’ for food hygiene can, if competent, undertake

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