Latest News
14th July 2012
More UKFSS London dates available
Places are available free of charge to officers working for local authorities.
This course is provided free of charge and will provide delegates with an introduction to the UK Food Surveillance System. The course will also give delegates an opportunity to discuss food sampling issues on a local and/or national level.
The aims of the course are:
• to guide officers through each stage of the process to get FSSNet operational in their Local Authority easily and quickly.
• to enable officers to get on with their day to day tasks of food sampling and to be able to enter data quickly into the FSSNet for seamless integration with their Laboratory.
FSA Grants
The Food Standards Agency is making further funding available to UK Enforcement Authorities to support the increased use of UKFSS. This system has been designed to help your local authority increase public health protection by improving the recording and analysis of food and feed sample data. Click here for details
To book on a course
Please click here for further information and to book places.
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