Latest News
3rd January 2010
Outbreak investigation - online course
This two module course provides the user with up to 4.5 hours CPD and is available to subscribers to our online training service.
An annual subscription of £75+vat provides access to this and all other courses on the site which currently include:
Food Law Code of Practice - an e-version of the Food Law Code of Practice which provides up to 12 hours CPD.
Food Hygiene Enforcement - a three module course which provides up to 6 hours CPD and includes a review of detention/seizure, Hygiene Improvement Notices and Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notices.
Approved establishments course - a three module course which provides up to 6 hours CPD and includes:Requirements for approval; the approval process and enforcement in approved establishments.
Audit of HACCP Systems - a two module course which provides up to 3.5 hours CPD
To subscribe to our online service:
Local authorities click here
Independent users click here. (You will be able to pay for the subscription by credit/debit card for instant access.)
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