Latest News
4th October 2011
Return to work food refresher
The Food Law Code of Practice requires:
“Officers whose knowledge or practical experience of food law enforcement is out of date should receive structured revision training and be monitored by the lead officer or another experienced food law enforcement officer during the period of training.
The extent of the revision training will vary according to the previous experience of the officer and the period that the officer has not been undertaking food law enforcement duties. The minimum revision training should be 15 hours based on the principles of continuing professional development.”
Our "Return to Work" food refresher course has been designed to help achieve this requirement. Please click here for further details.
Alternatively you may prefer to use our online training service which is available for an annual subscription of £75 + vat.
For more information click here
If returning to food enforcement we would suggest that you complete the following online courses and use the attached training record to monitor your progress:
Food Law Refresher
Food Law Code of Practice
Food Hygiene Enforcement
Audit of HACCP Systems.
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