Latest News - Prosecutions
12th March 2025
Sandwich supplier fined for serious hygiene failures
A Southall food supplier linked to a national product recall has been ordered to pay almost £47,000 after it was found to have broken food hygiene rules.
Bread Spread Ltd, of Balfour Business Centre in Southall and its director Premalkumar Patel pleaded guilty to 21 counts of serious food hygiene failures at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court on 4 March.
The court heard that the company, which distributes sandwiches and other food to supermarkets and corner shops across the UK, repeatedly ignored warnings to raise its hygiene standards and failed to comply with improvement notices from Ealing Council officers.
It also heard evidence that the company had mislabelled sandwiches with the wrong shelf life, and details of a national product recall that was necessary to protect the general public.
The director and the company were each fined £14,000, with both also ordered to pay a £2,000 victim surcharge. The company was ordered to pay £13,835 in prosecution costs. In total, the company and its director and manager will pay a total of £46,827.
Manager Ronak Patel pleaded guilty to two charges and received a fine of £673 for one charge in totality. He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £269, which means he will pay a total of £942.
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